01827 488021
Full Company Health Check
Probably one of the most beneficial services we offer. We completely understand how good you are at your main business, but it is very often forgotten to look at the business as a whole. We must consider all aspects of our operation, not just the forward facing side. This includes your offices, vehicles, workshops, storage areas and more.
A few Q&A's below may help you to decide if you would like a full safety health check.
What is a full safety health check?
A full Safety health check is a comprehensive check of your business overall. This not only looks at what you do as a trade, but everything you have health and safety responsibilities for in law.
For example, a construction company would still need to ensure they have suitably identified risk and controlled it for the offices, a yard, company car drivers, training etc. as well as what they do on site.
In short, it provides an overview of where you are compliant and where you may need to improve.
Why would you do this?
By looking at the business as a whole, you can ensure that you are aware of all aspects that require management and carry out your own monitoring of everything.
It will also help you to feel confident you are doing everything you can and have no nasty surprises.
Having 1 health check done is beneficial but repeating it annually will give you evidence of any improvements you have made over time.
By having the insight and awareness, you can provide a safe workplace and prevent accidents from occurring.
How much does it cost?
A full health check usually costs from around £450 to £650, and is dependent on the size of your business & distance.
What is (and isn't covered in the check?)
For a full list of areas of focus, see the bottom of the page. For a general idea, we look at policies and procedures in place, fire safety, documentation, statutory inspections an testing, training, workplace condition and more.
We don't look at the content of all policies, procedures and risk assessments; for this you would need to book a documentation review as it is a large task of its own.
Isn’t it just a ploy to generate business?
No. It couldn’t be further from why we do it. We advise on where there are shortcomings, provide a full report and recommended actions to close, similar to a fire risk assessment or electrical survey. The idea is that you can decide then if you wish to remedy items in house, you have the information required to do so. There are also often actions on the report that we can’t do for you as they require specialists, such as roller shutter door inspections, LOLER inspections or a fire alarm service. In instances such as this, we may be able to pass on some companies we have come across but they have no affiliation with Chameleon Safety Services Ltd.
There are some services we do provide, and we can help you to close of any actions you feel unsure about at an additional cost.
What if I need ongoing cover?
There are a few good reasons this is chosen rather than paying as you go. Many companies don’t have a competent health and safety person in the business, and it doesn’t warrant having someone in house for the workload they would have. We can provide your H&S Competent Person certification to keep your costs of hiring down.
Another reason is because companies do actually want someone to help them keep on top of things on an ongoing basis, to provide additional support to the in house advisor(s), or to help bring things up to standard which would otherwise take a long time.
It can also be beneficial if you have a variety of needs, for example a big project piece of work, but then only need a few inspections after that. The costs is combined and all retained contracts are split over 12 monthly payments, meaning lots of progress but no huge spike in costs if you use your support sporadically.
I’m a long way from your office, do you cover our area ?
This is very likely to be a yes! We travel UK wide and have been requested on occasion to go further afield.
We have an excellent central base from which to service the whole of the UK
Sounds great, what next?
Feel free to get in touch to explain your needs, or to book a full safety health check. We can help you to determine the right level of cover for your needs and help you to feel in control of your company’s safety.
Overview of areas checked: (this list is not exhaustive and provided to give guidance only)
Policies in place (and sections of H&S Policy
Risk Assessments in place
Staff Training
Water Hygiene
Gas Safety
Electrical Safety
Workplace condition including flooring, lighting, workspace
Safe Storage & Racking
First aid and emergency arrangements
Company vehicles
Health Surveillance
Medical Declarations
Communication & Consultation
Accounting for persons
Plant and Equipment
Employee training
Layout of outside areas and pedestrian vehicular segregation
Drug & Alcohol
Accidents & incidents
Business Continuity